1 Download Destination 2 All FilesX*.*XZipped FilesX*.zipX 5 %d hr %d min %d sec 6 %d min %d sec 7 %< 1 min 8 ftmcl.exe 9 Transferred Files 10 File Transfer Status 69 The Microsoft Network 70 Cannot find file.##The file you selected cannot be found. It may have been removed or renamed, or may not be available at this time. 71 Disk is full.##There isn't enough room on your hard disk to copy the file you selected. Try to free some disk space by deleting files. 72 This service is not available at this time.##Please try again later. 73 Cannot save file with this name.##A file with this name is currently being used. Please save the file with another name. 74 Cannot restore file transfer queue.## Please select the files you want to download again. 75 File already exists.##The file you selected already exists on your hard disk. Click OK to replace the file you have with the one you selected. 76 Not a valid directory.##This directory does not exist. 77 Cannot find file.##One of the components needed to transfer files or display the File Transfer Status window is missing. Please reinstall The Microsoft Network. To do this, look up Add/Remove Programs in the Windows Help Index. 78 Path too long.##Try saving these files with shorter names. 79 Permission denied.##You do not have permission to download this file. 80 Filename not valid.##This filename conflicts with an existing directory name. 81 Unknown compression format.##This file is compressed in a format that is incompatible with the current version of MSN.